How to place a deposit on a pre-order item

Whilst we are in development of a more sophisticated way of managing pre-orders with deposit options applied you can currently place a pre-order with a deposit using the following methods:

On a pre-order item that is priced less that £60 you can use the coupon code “10%deposit” and this will enable you to pay with just a 10% deposit. The remaining balance will be invoiced via a PayPal invoice 1 week before the item is expected in store.

On a pre-order item that is priced more than £60 you can use the coupon code “20%deposit” and this will enable you to pay with just a 20% deposit. The remaining balance will be invoiced via a PayPal invoice 1 week before the item is expected in store.

Please note that we invoke a 3 strike rule when placing a pre-order using the deposit option. If a customer fails to complete the remaining invoice payment 3 times we will close your account and no further orders will be accepted.

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